... and back again.
Drove up to Portland in a suit to stand around and get depressed at a MBA career fair. Stood in lines. Socialized with other people in suits. Then, went on a wild goose chase around Portland to try and find some specific place my classmate wanted to eat at, which was full. So we went somewhere else, which was also full. Ended up getting noodles after over an hour of screwing around, and drove home.
Got on the bike today for the CSC ride and went to Cottage Grove via Dillard road and Sears. Hitting Lorane Hwy again, the group went right toward town and I went left over Wolf Creek. Joined by Ms. MM, we got back through town and I kept going until I felt the stress and frustrations finally fall away as I fatigued. Over 100 miles and 6hrs+ in the saddle, and it felt great.
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