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Nutella VS Peanut Butter
The Ultimate Face-off.
Peanut butter has long been a staple of the American diet. The peanut butter and jelly sandwich is the quintessential American meal. Athletes too have discovered the values of peanut butter as a delicious, healthy, energy laden food which can be eaten on or with a multitude of other items. What peanut butter is to America, Nutella has long been to Europe. Consisting essentially of milk chocolate and hazelnuts, it can be found on breakfast tables all over the continent, it comes in little packets to be spread with bread at hotel buffets, and has been used as a mid and post-ride recovery food for years. It is only relatively recently that Nutella has been commonly available in the US, and that peanut butter has been available in European stores. Globalization has finally put both products in our cupboards at once. And thus we are torn: which is better? Which is the PRO food to eat, which is the SMART food? Does it matter? Will I be judged by my choices? It is time to duke it out and settle it for good, which one reigns over the stomach of the common cyclist? There is only one fair way to settle it. We will compare the two products across a range of criteria, and score them both on a scale of 1-5. Highest total score wins. It's a straight up Face-Off.
The Contestants
There are many brands of peanut butter available, so we have chosen the most worthwhile competitor for the Nutella: Adam's 100% Natural Peanut Butter. Now, Adam's initially requires mixing, which other brands don't but I believe this will not grossly harm the product's chances.
Nutella Website http://www.nutellausa.com/
1. Presentation
Peanut Butter 3
Nutella 5
2. Nutrients
Peanut Butter 3
Nutella 2
3. Spreadability
Peanut Butter 4
Nutella 5
4. Bananas
Peanut Butter 5
Nutella 4
5. Bread
Peanut Butter 5
Nutella 5
6. Bacon
Peanut Butter 5
Nutella 1
7. Honey
Peanut Butter 5
Nutella 4
8. Cookies
Peanut Butter 4
Nutella 2
9. Tortillas
Peanut Butter 4
Nutella 4
10. Straight from the Jar
Peanut Butter 2
Nutella 5
Peanut Butter: 40
Nutella: 37
And by a whisker, Peanut Butter takes it. Yes, versatility, perseverance, and the need for no special treatment, allows the old PB to nip the proud old Euro PRO at the line. There is just no denying a winner across a wide range of challenges, versus a specialist, no matter the hype.